Tuesday, May 18, 2004

fedora, suse's dumped me!

i'm all excited about fedora core 2's final release. i don't have any slightest idea why. been trying to use bitTorrent to download it but to no avail. what's the difference of getting it today and tomorrow anyway, when it will be available through mirrors? i guess it was that phenomenal thingy.

i don't know, these past few days i've been trying mandrake but hadn't succeed in installing it. adoi. then on to suse but only live evaluation cd was available which i hated because i don't have broadband at home where i want to install it on mom's pc. i swapped the pc with mine. and omar blamed me for being a distro flirt (yeah i am very much, thank you!) and recommended fedora. that's why now, i'm waiting to download it. my latest craze. i think i already adapted hami's craze of collecting distro's iso files. but he's been an avid redhat user. bukannya dia buat pape pun dengan fail tu. saje nyemak hdd die dgn 1 gb ram tu dengan broadband ofis yg sgtla stable. jeles betul. chist!

and i'm having headaches of which distro to settle down with. everybody had different opinions. but i guess i'm taking the dive trying everything though it wastes my time. i'm learning, i'm learning. switching distros really get to me. i'm enjoying every bit of this, really.

and by the way, as i typed this, apisz recommended knoppix and another day and 3 hours more the download will finish. so lembab lah linuxiso, so i switched to malaysian mirror, another hour will finish the download.

went to my house this afternoon, to scrub the lubricant oil off the tiles. and i fixed the fuse box, yeay! last minute baru reti nak pasang cheh! makin kotor pulak lantai porch tu aku tengok hahaha.

i want to see van helsing. anyone interested to keep me company?

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