Wednesday, May 27, 2009


- i don't tell everything here.
"coz some things are precious. that's why it's better kept private"

- i love warehouse sales and shopping.
"coz warehouse sales equals to many many many times shopping, which is retail therapy that contributes to my well-being, maybe not my pocket's well-being though"

- i love food and can't seem to stop from spoiling myself with good food.
"good food contributes to well-being. i can't seem to function properly if i keep thinking about syurga atas pinggan and not eating it. sorry, i'm not sharing it. try japanese soba in s3cret recip3, you'll know what i mean"

- i chose to be happy instead of complaining.
"i don't intend to put people into my shoes. i am happy as i am and be content that i'm actually listening to your complaints and not make a face. i may not be a good friend, but you know i'll be there whenever you need a listener"

- i am writing this crap.
"to better understand myself of which some people failed to and whom i don't bother if they do or don't understand me. my writings are my self-reflection of whatever i think and feel, it might not suit you, and like who cares?"

keahlian kelab bakar duit

* segala pembakaran duit yang disengajakan adalah kemasukan secara automatik sebagai ahli kelab bakar duit.

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