Wednesday, May 13, 2009

the 300th post!

yea, i know it's nothing to brag or celebrate about since a long-time blogger like me should've reached that number waaaaaaayyy long before. but what the heck? who cares anyway? so, this is to my 300th post. may i have the sanity to write frequently here. adios.

my favourite foodstuff. other people may scoff or even scream yuck at my weird taste for some kind of food. for instance, during the prosper1ty burger promo at mekdi, the set was served with jasmine tea. while others hate the weird smell, i adore its thirst-quenching fab.

natto is a gooey, weird japanese fermented soy-beans eaten stirred forcefully with rice. i admit i might not have the ability to turn a blind eye over the goo, but the dried version offered a relief. it's salty, like eating very the bacin tempe. i hope you get the idea of it. tasty though it is.

granola, muesli. baked combination of rolled oats, wheatgerm, and all other sorts of grain kept together with maple syrup or honey. great for quick lunches when sleep is more important than everything else during lunchbreaks. yum.

wheatgrass drink. another weird green colour drink that screams chlorophyll. 'nuff said.

i love baked beans. i can eat it straight from the can. that's how grossly i love it. i also eat anything with wheat on it. but no, i don't eat tempoyak or anything that utilizes it in. even anything with durian in it. but pulut with kuah durian is HEAVEN!

people sometimes frown at my choice of food. i pile-up veggies on my rice. i just can't live without veggies. if i had to choose between mister depp and mister jackman or veggies, i'd still choose the misters. you think i'd be choosing them veggies? i'll have the misters and ask them to buy tons of veggies for me. so, 2 birds and loads of veggies with one stone. geddit?

in other words, i eat healthy stuffs as much as i eat the unhealthy ones. so, i guess that's why my diet plan has gone nowhere.

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