Friday, April 10, 2009

what it's all about

life is a bucket full of shit.

how you make a dem great filter that separate the stash of gold buried within the pile of feces is how your life is. the better the filter, you hope your life will be full of merriments and less shit. or if the filter's no good, you get shit thrown at you instead.

this is the process i learnt from a wastewater treatment engineer. yes people, she treats the stuffs of the bottom flushed right into the treatment plant. and she found not only excrement, but almost everything that's non-perishable in water, the most valuable, gold with a capital G.

don't ask me what she did with the gold.


  1. weh,
    what she did with the gold?????
    hahahaha...nk tahu jgk...

  2. kalo ko ape ko wat?

    rebus kasi ilang ape yg patut, gi pajak gadai la. duit tu beli yang baru. hahahaha!!
