Sunday, January 09, 2005


current y! status : still i will always fight on for you
thinking of : things happen.... for a reason

i was browsing through a friend's list of friends whom is a doctor-to-be, when i noticed the characters of her friends. man, they can crack the earth open with their wacky jokes and funny traits. i guess they needed that to unwind after a tired mind of memorizing errr... modula oblongata's stuffs? this made me thought of this one particular scientific term of scrotum that would make my sister cracks up everytime she wants to tell its story. LOL.

then, i came across another, while i didn't really was that close with her. she was hitched to a guy which said something in her testimonial that touched me. a perfect ramblings of what i wanted in a guy. their relationship was so sweet and heartening looking at the way they gave testimonials to each other. i am happy for them. really.

and i am looking for ehem.. that kind of guy. who never question why am i feeling like this or why do i reacted like that. who gives me space and made me feel protected, not overpowered and have me secured. hmmm, this is so unromantic. no surprises, then. this should be the lines of a guy. *yeech* i'm so becoming a guy these days. yea, i do get tired of being the protective one. but just to prevent myself from getting hurt. that's why people say, i do heal fast after heartbreaks.

remember, the glass is always half full. and there's always this part of you just to give and give and keep giving. though you never get anything in return, the glass will always have the halves. if you understand what i meant. =D

p/s : hers is 28-gonnabe. another girl, 31. me? a mere 30 year old guy. *grins* the older, the better. *muahahaha*

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