Monday, September 27, 2004

life just sucks

current Y! status : get up, rock on, it's time for a new drool subject
thinking of : 19:16, buka time!

i woke up this morning for instrumentation lecture, feeling a bit edgy. i don't have any idea why but these days happening whatnots just tore me. and you know what? i said this to my room-mate before we were gone to class, she in front of the mirror,

me : tau tak? life just sucks.
awei : kenape?
me : entah

and that one was my first greet of 'good morning' to her before i said anything else.

the crush-engaged-to-someone-else-thingy, my housemates fucked me up last friday giving me the creeps to scream I DON'T FUCK WITH YOU SO DON'T YOU EVER FUCK ME UP! i felt cheap and degraded when they did that. why la you guys tried to make those kind of fucked up lame jokes during this worse condition. i'm having so much in my head till i don't know where do i stand now. having problems, with money, my flunking course-marks. *sobs* kyle, i'm stuck nowhere.

but topping all of that, today is my last day working, before my one-month off-schedule. i'm not that happy but not that sad either. i'm happy coz i can study for finals, unhappy coz when i'm feeling troubled, there's always the cheery face of zura, vicky, kasman, syeedee, popai and zand to give me the warm feeling of togetherness and that i don't feel so alone.

ok, time for the uniform.

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