Saturday, April 09, 2011


my takes on some of life's issues surprise me sometimes. i mean being 16 (ecehhh) but have to deal with a lot of decisions and mature stuffs really are something that i don't look forward to, it sounded so adult.

i don't remember what happened when i was 16, there must be some major event happened that made me stuck at 16 forever. wondering if this is the case of the lost youth. i seem to miss those youthfulness.

of going to school.
of doing homework.
of enjoying life, with friends without worrying about bills to pay.

i sacrificed my weekends, my youthfulness, for money.

even now, i'm slaving away for money.

it made sense that i like working hard for money. though i'd want to be a soccermom some day, it gives me great satisfaction that i am able to buy the things i want with the money i worked so hard for, even though it was not immediate.

i am so messed up. but i know that reading His love letters will soothe me. i seek His guidance and blessings. :)

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