Sunday, April 17, 2011

on a sunday

my entries these days have been mainly about the people i treasured and the conversations i had with them. the point is to keep it here so that on one fine day when life has dealt me a wicked blow, i'd be able to track down and read these beautiful musings and laughs at them the same.

i've wanted to write something that i truly felt, stripping down to the basics, like a bare-it-all session, but i guess even my future self needed to be spared that. less is always more. =)

so to quote what i said to a fren on her blog when she posted an article of not trying too hard to find the perfect one;

you felt that the person is perfect for you, but does he/she felt that you're perfect for him/her?

i'm surrounded by so much love that i am so thankful to the Almighty for this blessing, every single day. just remember for every person who hates you, there will be 10 more person who love you. but it can go vice versa too, LOL.

enjoying life at its best. day. after day. <3

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