Thursday, April 07, 2011

most elitegible bachelor

i bought the cl3o magazine this month because of the delicious hunks. including shah3izy sam, hehe.

i was browsing the aisle for my weekly calcium dose when bsb's i want it th4t way came on air.

i instinctively was bobbing my head left and right, and unconsciously tapping my feet as well as silently singing, when suddenly:

" eh, akak suke lagu ni, siap menari-nari lagi "

i was blushing beetroot and giggling excessively. hahahaha, i never thought people'd notice AND spoke aloud.

they were the staffs there. and finally,

" ala, dah habis la kak. datang lagi esok ye. esok konfem ade lagi lagu ni "

i was laughing by then and walked away. malu wey.

speaking of bachelor, i'm dreaming of all sorts of guys. terasa gila, but hey, it's not wrong having a diminutive imagination, well, a bit on the wild side. like having tall and handsome in one person is quite rare, if you get what i mean. :P

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