Tuesday, March 08, 2005


current y! status : 3 guys and a girl
thinking of : let's see. my 90% projects and him and mr g.

i got a pink rose today. not from him lah. but from bada. she was in the mood of flowers. and it touched me that it is my first rose, ever. thanks a lot, friend. (come to think of the original intention of buying the red rose given to him intentionally bought for her). i'm sorry. it was just you will never be as special as zura is to me. we've been through A HELL LOT together without you and will continue that way, insya-Allah.

i'm in my exams week. didn't feel that much of the study week though as i've tido tido tido been busy with constructing a new circuit for my projects. the lab wasn't open so i open my own lab. redesign the pcb layout again coz the kit's too small. did the lettering on the board. bought ferric powder, yea i did the etching by myself. found out oggy's drill not available. guess what? mom bought the drill set for me LOL. but couldn't be used as the one used for the board is very-very small and the drill can't hold it. so have to wait for syahrin's whom did a great job at forgetting to bring it everytime he went back.

that held me back for 3 days. solder the stuffs then the project sucks, again. big time. it won't even count. shit la. my favorite remark these days is pegila mati i just don't care. i'm gonna type a report about the failed project. i don't want to overdo troubleshooting like what i did the first time which cost me the presentation marks. hope my supervisor will sympathesize considering the first pcb could count though only half the digits can be displayed.

i was supposed to see her and submit the project today but couldn't locate her. she wasn't answering her phone and what good it would do if i couldn't find her if i went to main camp?

got a house already. i'm hoping that kutkm would be so kind to accept me for degree hahaha so i can work and pay for my ass. i'm gonna stay with an and the sisters. mom would kill me if she knew the real them, *laughs evilly*. i knew who they are, mom. i'm not gonna be like them. err... at least for now hahahaha!

been hunting around for anis' stuffs. what can i do to make her change her mind from pharmacy to medics?

me : why la ko tak nak amik medic nih? try je la

her : tak nak la. kesian kat orang yang kene operate tu, mesti sakit

me : mestila operate pakai anesthetic, ler. kan same je waktu ko operate katak waktu biologi tuh

her : mane same. operate katak tu main tenyeh-tenyeh je

yea. she was afraid she'd hurt people while my reason not to take pure science stream was that i was afraid i'd hurt the lab rats, LOL! it was just there's no real medical doctor in my family line. i'd like her to be the first. but i'd let her be. tak jadi pemuzik sudah.

just now, industrial electronics paper. tomorrow no paper. on the 10th, 11th and 17th. then, cuti sampai 22nd. 23rd masuk balik makan place, till zura call me for another work.

my status on ym? a friend questioned me flirting around. how about if one of em tersangkut? ah well, they're not at least for now, so i'm safe. i'm being nice to everybody. as i'm overly happy due to excessive sugar intake.

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