Thursday, August 27, 2009

this is it

looking forward to saturday.

nak makan sampai lebam.

(ingat makan jek, bukan nak ingat gi terawih laa aku ni)

i don't have anything much to say, but my bazaar sucks, too many people and i am hating places where i've got not freedom to choose and walk and browse around, especially for shoes and food.

i'd rather pay more and enjoy food than bayar murah tapi macam pegi perang bersesak-sesak.

because food is to be enjoyed from the minute you set your eyes on it. but when you set your eyes from the shoulders of strangers and pushing through unknown territories who knows what you've pushed to touch, here and there. haha!, and you ending up eating the food during buka grumbling, which i hate the most.

the lesson, sila lah belajar memasak makan je kat mamak. haha!

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