Thursday, August 20, 2009

Of bunga

It's hard 2 figure out what a girl feels.

Th0 flowers are one of the many ways 2 win, 2 find a way, 2 say a lot, to a girl's hart.

So, it's n0t that crazy if y0u're frantic 2 find a florist open at 7pm, just 2 say s0rry thru these prim lil beauties.

To the girl wh0se birthday is t0day:

Selamat hari lahir. Jangan buli student lebih2. Jangan garang2 sgt. Nope, the flowers aren't for y0u or me. But i h0pe that s0meday, s0me1 will give y0u a lot of love fr0m his hart, thr0ugh these flowers.

P/s: note to future suit0rs. I d0n't do r0ses. I dig lilies and turbar0ses. Hehe.

1 comment:

  1. utk aku ker..(hihi..saje2 wat2 xpaham)..tenkiu..tenkiu wat surprise..doakn aku cpt dpt jodoh erk..muahaha..desperate ghiler..
