Him: (gr0ggy with sleep) 'lo.
Me: watpe?
Him: was sleeping. *yawns*
Me: oh, ok. Camtu g smbg tdo la. Bai.
Him: nah, it's ok. What's up?
Me: takde ape. Saje call. Camne keje hari sabtu?
Him: it was fine..blabla (lots of blabs in english)
Me: ko terhantuk dinding ke time nk angkat f0n?
Him: no, i didn't. Why did u ask?
Me: ko sedar tak yg dr td aku tnye bm, ko jwb english? Kite tak penah b0rak dlm english.
Him: eh, did i? Guess i was sleepy and turned on my english butt0n, by accident. Haha!
Well, i guess pe0ple in love tend to do weird things. Sumtimes even the things they th0ught they'd never do b4.
Love d0es that to y0u. Coz chr1s br0wn used 2 say this 2 his then gf, rih4nna:
I bet there's hearts all over the w0rld 2nite with the love of their lives, wh0'd feel what i feel when i'm with y0u.
Yea, y0u're n0t alone suffering this love-palsy. Haha!
P/s: kpd org yg slalu x paham tu, ko paham tak? Kalo ko paham, maknanye org lain paham la. Hehe.
haha...ade la gak paham cket2... lol ;P