Thursday, February 25, 2010

How i spent my planned day

I planned 2 do sumthin official 2day, ended up n0t d0in it, but d0ing sumthin else.

Me: i wanna watch fr0m paris wit luv, since j0nathan rhys-my3rs is in it.

Him: lol. Not a chick-flick!

Me: let n0t the title f0ol y0u. It's acti0n-packed thriller. Haha.

So, we were walkin and there was a ramp that i didn't n0tice, so i alm0st tripped and i managed an "omak ko!" th0 quietly. Gile segan oke!

(I was havin the n0ti0n that he might be thinkin that me being all s0phisticated, a near-trip on the ramp destr0yed all the s0phisticatedness with melatah, dang!)

He was sizing me d0wn to my sh0es and his questi0n startled me,

Him: why didn't y0u wear heels?

Me: my heels w0uld make me feel like a giant, plus kesian kat y0u. (I made it a mental n0te n0t 2 embarass my guy frens by wearing my outrage0us heels and t0wer ab0ve them)

His answer again baffled me,

Him: seri0usly i d0nt mind. I tak kisah pun.

Me: well, i've been wearing heels all week. Need to give my feet a break.

Him: y0u w0men, gave the same excuse of wearing the flats. Lol!

He's still the blunt charmer. So easy to be with. And i h0pe our friendship thrives, thru weddings and chat sessi0ns. Get the darn pink f0nt off. It girlifies y0u. Plus it's ann0ying :-P

And yes, it has been 7 years.

P/s: the m0vie is all acti0n. I hate the plot, th0ugh.

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