Sunday, July 11, 2004

my apologies...

i am really sorry i haven't been updating this for a very long time. record tuhh. sebulan tak update hehe. anyways, the semester already begun and assignments are getting longer and longer. and work keeps getting to me often.

i wrote a page or two for this blog but haven't had the chance to upload it here. awei's scanner just sucks. huhuhu. and i'm using her pc too. my modem is problematic. and streamyx is not even up yet.

my life these days is about getting up in the morning (on time!! which i had the trouble to recently), getting to class, be conscious enough to be in class, eat lunch, be in lab, completing workshops, get back, ready for work, work and back again, half asleep and sleep and the same routine again. boring eh? what to do? have to pay the bills, have to maintain myself coz the demands kept getting higher each time (clothes, streamyx, errr makeups? hahahaha! i'm saving for a new hdd lohh)

if i got the time, i'll upload the piece i've written during a tutorial hahaha. just wanna say hi to dino. thanks for dropping by.

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